'People-centered peace' lost a major advocate this week
About Wolfgang Sporrer, diplomat, mediator, peacemaker, expert on Ukraine and beyond, who suddenly passed away this week, and about the issues he cared about
I learned yesterday that Wolfgang Sporrer passed away suddenly on February 10 and as I sat there stunned all morning, I realized I had to do a tribute to him, and sneak in some of the peace-making approaches he was so passionate about: how to involve ordinary people in making peace, so that peace would deliver for them. Wolfgang was a long-time hands-on diplomat and a teacher, but he was only a sometime author, so he may not be familiar to many. But he was one of the most informed, critical and constructive voices on the issue of war and peace in Ukraine and Europe. And a great guy, too.
I would like you to read the tribute on Responsible Statecraft, then google him, read his articles and interviews and listen to him on podcasts and webinars.
I'll put something together in my own modest way, and once I have, I'll share it with you.