Thank you for writing this up. It reminds me of my reaction to the books about the effect of the Great Patriotic War on women’s lives: Night of Stone by Catherine Merridale and The Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Allilueva (sp?). It seems that the writing always privileged the heroism of the war, and left no space for women to talk about the less than heroic effect on men’s behaviour at home. I’m glad this woman has felt able to speak about this, as it’s very difficult and has a personal cost.
Thank you for writing this up. It reminds me of my reaction to the books about the effect of the Great Patriotic War on women’s lives: Night of Stone by Catherine Merridale and The Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Allilueva (sp?). It seems that the writing always privileged the heroism of the war, and left no space for women to talk about the less than heroic effect on men’s behaviour at home. I’m glad this woman has felt able to speak about this, as it’s very difficult and has a personal cost.